Dropbox has made some new changes recently, and they’ve been causing issues. If you are using Dropbox to share your TimeNet Law Data, it is very important that you check your Dropbox configuration and make sure it is properly setup.
How to Check Your Dropbox Configuration
Please follow the steps below to make sure Dropbox is configured correctly:
1. Click the Dropbox icon in your menubar, click the colored circular icon in the top-right of the Dropbox window, and select Preferences.
2. Click Sync, and see if you have an option for “New Files Default” and make sure it is set to “Available Offline”, and not “Online Only”.
You can close that window.
3. Go to your Dropbox folder and navigate to the TimeNet Law Data folder inside. Right-click on it and select “Make Available Offline”. Wait a few minutes and make sure a green checkmark appears next to the TimeNet Law Data folder.
4. Repeat the above steps on any other computer(s) running TimeNet Law as well.
Once you’ve completed those steps, TimeNet Law will work correctly with Dropbox.